A fare war between American & United

The Rock and Roll Hall of Fame, Cleveland, Ohio – Photo: adpowers, used under Creative Commons License (By 2.0)
[Update 10/23/2012 @ 8:15PM Eastern – deal gone]
Sample Date:
- Sample itinerary to Cleveland
- December 6th – 10th. Valid for travel until August, 2013 for Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Saturday departures. Use ITA Software Matrix Airfare Search and flexible month search to see availability. Must purchase at least 14 days in advance of departure
- SFO – DFW (Dallas) – CLE (Cleveland) – DFW – SFO
- 4,960 miles or 4.8 cents per mile
- Use dates found at ITA Software Matrix Airfare Search and book on AA.com
- Receive $1 back for using Ebates.com or Mr. Rebates prior to booking on AA.com
- American Airline’s risk free cancellation policy here
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